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Designed by a past Chamber of Trade Member

      Windermere & Bowness Chamber of Trade

The next Chamber of Trade meeting will be in September at The Ro Hotel, Helm Road, Bowness at 6:30pm.


                        Promoting the trading and commercial interests of Bowness, Windermere and the immediate area.

Our Aims
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The Strength of the Chamber - is your strength!


The Windermere & Bowness Chamber of Trade is:-

Run by its Members with no external interference;

Financed by its Members;

For its Members.


As we are continually updating this site, we would recommend that you refresh your computer

screen to see the most up to date information.

Minimum Wage 2024

Silent Solution!

Lake District National Park - Local Plan Review 

Breaking News | Consultation |  Lakes Line Community Rail Partnership 

Parental Care on Websites |  Security Advice for Businesses | Survey Results

Report on the Future of the Public Toilets in Windermere & Bowness

Telephone Scams | Where can I .... | Windermere Town Council

The Little Book of BIG SCAMS - Business Edition

Welcome to the Windermere & Bowness Chamber of Trade website.

The Windermere & Bowness Chamber of Trade is a non-political organisation that has been in existence for over 40 years and aims to provide a conduit for local businesses to Local and Central Government.  The Aims of the Chamber of Trade can be found by clicking on the 'Our Aims' button on the left.

Membership to the Chamber provides a voice for your business.  The Chamber of Trade has a long and distinguished history of helping  to make changes for the betterment of its members and the community at local and national levels, through policy meetings and lobbying.  The strength is found within the Chambers membership, and makes for a stronger business community and ultimately a stronger Bowness and Windermere.

The Chamber of Trade holds regular monthly meetings, usually on the first Tuesday of the month throughout the winter months (September to May) commencing at 6:30pm.  Then on an 'as needs' basis throughout the summer months.  The Chamber has secured a new venue for its winter meetings courtesy of The 'Ro Hotel, Helm Road, Bowness - on - Windermere.  The meetings quite often have guest speakers dealing with matters of interest.

If you should then wish to become a member, please click on the 'Application' button, towards the top left and print off the application/direct debit form and return. 

Please feel free to browse the various pages via the links on the left to get a feel of the Chambers involvement and activities.  To be directed to the Important Web Pages, including what the Chamber of Trade are being consulted on; the Windermere Town Council's website, please click on underlined link above. 

Also, please Google Windermere & Bowness Chamber of Trade to view past articles of the Chambers involvement at local and national level. 

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Officers & Committee Members



Alex Kirby - Chair

Oakhill Veterinary Practice


Adrian Faulkner: Secretary/Treasurer 

Musgraves of Windermere Ltd

Jonty Mayo:  Committee Member







Contact Details:


Adrian G Faulkner
Description: 16_f_phone5- mobile 07711 241631

Postal Address


2 Thwaites Howe

116 Craig Walk



LA23 3AX




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This site uses Java to run the animated pictures.  Please make sure you have the most up to date version.


If you can not find an article, an item of news, a topic, then please click on the Site Map link or Archives below, and look in there.


Windermere and Bowness are

and proud recipients of a



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Revised: 19/07/2024.