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Working With The National Park Authority

Welcome to the Windermere & Bowness Chamber of Trade "Working With The National Park" page.

"The Lake District National Park Authority wants to change and improve. It wants to engage more with the people that are the life blood of the National Park – particularly businesses. A new range of policies for development in the National Park (the Local Development Framework) will be created over the next 18 months."

Bob Sutcliffe, Community Development Manager - LDNPA. 

The Chamber of Trade has formed a 'partnership' with the Lake District National Park Authority for the purpose of getting information, particularly of a business nature, to a wider audience.

The views expressed in these Articles are not necessary those of the Windermere & Bowness Chamber of Trade and are provide for information only.

Lake District National Park - Local Plan Review

Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)

The Allocations of Land Development Plan Document is a key part of our Local Development Framework. We are seeking to allocate sites for affordable housing and employment developments in those places which are consistent with the adopted Core Strategy. We will also be designating many important open spaces which should be protected from development.

The production of this document is ongoing. We have undertaken an Issues and Options Consultation in April/May 2010 and are developing our emerging options. Due to the large number of sites being considered, and the need to assess every site in detail having regard to consultation responses, it is a time consuming process. 

We intend to consult on a shortlist of proposed land allocations in September 2011. Please however check for updates on the allocations of land process.

Public Consultation Document

Ambleside Campus Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

We are producing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Ambleside Campus, currently owned by the University of Cumbria. It will form part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) for the Lake District National Park. 

The SPD will enable us to take a strategic approach to the future use of the campus. It aims to maximise environmental, economic and social benefits in the interests of the Lake District National Park and local community. It also provides certainty for prospective developers as to the Lake District National Park Authority’s expectations and requirements. 

We are working with the University of Cumbria to secure the future of the Ambleside Campus for educational use, in accordance with our adopted Core Strategy policy CS07 (Central and South East Distinctive Area). We are producing an SPD to explain further how the policy will be implemented. The final SPD will be available in May 2011. Further information can be found at

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Bowness Bay and The Glebe site allocation

In 2010 we prepared an Issues and Options report for the allocation of a strategic regeneration location at Bowness Bay and The Glebe. The report suggested four boundary options for the site allocation, and we asked people to suggest any additional boundary options. The public consultation ran from 17 November 2010 to 21 January 2011.

We have summarised the comments received. We will make a report on consultation available in April 2011, at 

Comments and other evidence will help to inform our selection of a preferred option for the strategic regeneration location, and we will ask people for their comments on the preferred option in autumn 2011.

Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 

The Lake District National Park Authority adopted the Supplementary Planning Document on Housing Provision in October 2010. 

It aims to explain our expectations and requirements for all housing development in the National Park. The objectives of the SPD are to:

• set out the Authority’s requirements for new housing development

• provide clear guidelines on how we will apply Core Strategy policy CS18

•set out the range of planning controls we will use

 The SPD will guide our negotiations with developers and when determining relevant planning applications.

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Lake District National Park Partnership
Established in 2006, the Partnership captures enthusiasm to work together to make things happen. Their first task was to develop and agree the Vision for the Lake District National Park in 2030. The Partnership owns the Vision and it makes it happen through the Partnership’s Plan - The Management Plan for the Lake District 2010-2015, which contains actions. We provide the secretariat but act as an equal member of the Partnership.

The Partnership is made up of representatives from the public, private, community and voluntary sectors, meets on a quarterly basis and is the first in the English family of National Parks to come together in this way. The Partnership meets on a quarterly basis and is chaired
by Lord Clark of Windermere. Further details on the Partnership and the Partnership’s Plan can
be viewed at

Please contact Clive Wickham, Partnership and Community Coordinator, for further information
about the Partnership.  Telephone: 01539 792611

Local Development Framework

Bowness Bay and the Glebe - issues and options consultation for site allocation
Significant Changes Suggested to the LDNPA - May 2010
Core Strategy
Submission of Core Strategy Development Plan Letter

Adoption of Core Strategy for the Lake District National Park

The Core Strategy forms part of the Lake District National Park’s Local Development Framework (LDF) and has been produced following extensive community engagement.

The Core Strategy shows how we will deliver the Vision for the National Park strategically and spatially by 2025. It establishes an overall strategy, policies for Distinctive Areas in the National Park together with criteria based policies to guide development. It contains:

• our vision for how we want the National Park to look in the future

• strategic objectives we are setting to achieve this

• our development strategy

The Lake District National Park Authority formally adopted the Core Strategy and Proposals Map on 20 October 2010, following a public independent examination into the ‘soundness’ of the plan.

The Core Strategy, the Proposals Map and other relevant documents can be found at

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Sustainable Transport Strategy

Phase One: Evidence and Analysis


Windermere Waterfront Project


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Windermere Byelaws Consultation

The Chamber of Trade have been consulted by the Lake District National Park Authority on the above and have been asked to make it known to it's membership. 

In 2008, following a comprehensive consultation, we proposed amendments to the Windermere Registration and Navigation Byelaws to:

• improve clarity

• reflect current

• management issues

• reduce conflict between users

• minimise health and safety risks; and

• make enforcement more effective. 

The Secretary of State for Natural Environment and Fisheries confirmed the Registration Byelaws in January 2011. This enables us to develop a single comprehensive registration scheme for managing the lake which is fair and reasonable, working with the Windermere Lake User Forum. 

The Secretary of State did not confirm changes to the Navigation Byelaws. He did not see a convincing argument for changing from the existing 10 statute miles per hour speed limit created after the 1992 public inquiry, to the current de facto ten nautical miles per hour speed limit. Given this issue, the Secretary of State did not believe it was practical to confirm other proposed amendments to the Navigation Byelaws. We have agreed to consult informally on options for re-submitting the amendments to these byelaws, taking the Secretary of State’s comments into account. 

The existing Navigation Byelaws remain in place and we are continuing to enforce them.

Windermere Lake Management Strategy

Following a public consultation during 2010, we have reviewed the 2005 Windermere Lake Management Strategy. We will finalise and publish the Windermere Management Strategy 2011 in April 2011. 

Details of the consultation, reports to the LDNPA Park Strategy and Vision Committee, and the final strategy (when published) are available on:

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Review of planning policies

As you will know, the Lake District National Park Authority has worked with partner organisations to adopt a new vision for the National Park. A National Park where there will be a prosperous economy, world class visitor experiences and vibrant communities – and all sustaining the spectacular landscape. In order to realise this vision, we are therefore undertaking, what we hope will be, the most fundamental review of planning policies in over 50 years. The first stage includes looking in detail at all the issues and options for the policies which will guide development in the National Park. During the Autumn of 2006, the National Park Authority published a questionnaire about the issues and options and we are currently reviewing all the results. But its not too late to get involved.

Go to the National Park Authority website to download all the documents and keep up with the latest news. You can also look at all the comments that have been made by people so far.

Outdoor Advertisements and signs: a guide for advertisers.

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Join our Business Task Force!

The Business Task Force, set up in 2006, is directly linked to achieving the Prosperous Economy theme of the Vision for the National Park. It is one way to involve businesses and the private sector in strategic decision making across the National Park. Crucial in shaping and ensuring the sustainability of the Lake District, businesses from all different sectors now come together every quarter to discuss issues, share successes and identify ways forward.

The Business Task Force is also a forum linked to the Lake District National Park Partnership (see below).

Please contact Steve Ratcliffe, Director of Planning and Partnerships, for further information about this group. Telephone: 01539 792622



      Lake District National Park Business Task Force

      Windermere lake activities workshop

      An Updated Vision of Planning Policies

      A Review of Planning Policies


      Local Development Framework:

            Article By Barry Butler - Acting Chair of the Chamber.

      Introduction by the National Park - Bob Sutcliffe, LDNPA.

      The Vision



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