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On-Street Parking Charges Emails & Responses

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The Windermere & Bowness Chamber of Trade are opposed to the Cumbria County Council's proposals for 'on-street' parking charges in the format currently set out.  However The Chamber of Trade acknowledges that not all its membership or businesses in Bowness and Windermere are against the idea and that the views expressed below do not necessarily reflect ALL of the membership.

Below are the emails sent to the various statutory bodies and their officers regarding this issue together with the replies were one has been received.  Also those received from members and non-members.


27 May 2014

From Cllr. McCreesh in response to the email dated 22 May 2014

Thanks for your email, and sorry for the delay in replying. It's been a busy period for those of us involved in local politics.

I chair the County's Local Committee for South Lakeland, and it might be useful to explain the Committee's role in the rollout of on-street parking charges. I attach the relevant page from the papers of the Cabinet meeting on the 15th - the table in 4.18 shows clearly what the Local Committee can and cannot do.

At the moment, there is work ongoing on the items over which the Local Committee does have discretion. Local members in the relevant towns have been working with Highways officers, and local residents and groups, to firm up the list of streets and discuss the most appropriate charging regime for their areas. The results of this work will be fed back to a future meeting of the Local Committee for approval.

I believe Cllr Stephenson has offered to meet you at a mutually convenient time to discuss these local implementation issues with yourselves. I would recommend this as the most useful way to engage with the process at the moment.

Obviously, as a Kendal resident, I'm not as familiar with your local issues as Cllr Stephenson. However, I am happy to meet if you think it would be useful. Please note I will be on holiday for the first two weeks in June.

When the matter comes back to Local Committee, you are of course very welcome to attend under the Council's public participation scheme (copy also attached). However, I would recommend that any representations, questions, etc are directed at issues over which the Local Committee has discretion.

Hope this helps

County Councillor for Kendal Strickland and Fell
tel: 01539 720849
twitter: @johnmccreesh

23 May 2014

From Andy Brown, Cumbria County Council


Sorry for delay in getting back to you.

Just to confirm that Cabinet agreed at its 13th February 2014 meeting to introduce On-street Parking Charges in the 11 towns named in the Consultation ie Carlisle, Penrith, Kendal, Barrow, Workington, Whitehaven, Maryport, Keswick, Cockermouth, Windermere and Bowness and Ambleside.

The decision on which streets to be included and the associated tariff will be determined by each Local Committee with the intention that it will be implemented this financial year.

I trust that helps clarify the position.



Andy Brown
Senior Manager | Strategic Asset Management | Highways, Transport and Fleet
Environment and Community Services | Cumbria County Council
Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park | Carlisle | CA6 4SJ

22 May 2014

From Barry Butler to John McCreesh:

Dear Mr McCreesh.

We have been advised by Jo Stephenson to contact you regarding the proposed on street parking charges for Windermere and Bowness.

We would be pleased to meet with you and the officers in charge, Nick Raymond at the earliest convenient time to hear your proposals and to voice our concerns as to the effect on businesses and residents and see what maybe agreed.

I noticed a comment attached to the minutes of the meeting on 15 May 2014 about restrictions all year on the Glebe Road and would be pleased to know what is happening here.

We had long discussions with Steve Ratcliffe, who had consulted the County Council and SLDC, last year about the removal of some parking spaces on the basis that there would be no changes to the rest of the parking on Glebe Road apart from the creation of additional chevron style parking by Shepherds.

I await to hear from you.


Barry Butler

Chair - Windermere and Bowness Chamber of Trade

21st May 2014 from Barry Butler to Andrew Moss:

Dear Andrew

I have been reading the minutes of the meetings on 3/4/2014 and 15/5/2014 regarding on street parking.

I note that Windermere and Bowness were not included in the towns to be affected in the April meeting but were included in the towns for the May meeting. Is this because it will not be implement here until after 2015?

Could you please provide a list of the streets to be affected in Windermere and Bowness.


Barry Butler

Chair - Windermere and Bowness Chamber of Trade

Barry Butler Dip.Est.Man., MRICS


Reply from Andrew Moss:

Barry, I have asked the team to clarify this with you directly tomorrow.



Assistant Director Highways, Transport and Fleet
Cumbria County Council
Tel: 01228 221389


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